
Attic24: All the Thank-You’s


I’ve been thinking about you a lot this past week and wondering how I got lucky enough to have so many beautiful souls in my life. This community that you and I are a part of, the one that has grown and flourished around my Attic window over the years, is absolutely amazing and I couldn’t be more thankful for each and every one of you.

After my last post where I had a long chat with you about my recent trip to Dorset and my Dad’s health, I was deeply touched by your words which flew in through my window and wrapped me in the biggest virtual hug. (( T h a n k ~ y o u ))….so, so much for every comment both here on my blog and on Facebook too, you’ve no idea how much it helped me when I was feeling quite raw and worried. Your kindness and empathy was so very much appreciated, but also thank you for the great practical advice too. I made notes, wrote a long list, and have lots of amazing suggestions which I know I can work with to help ease the pathway forward.


I’ve felt quite a lot brighter this week actually, and for that I’m thankful. I hate feeling so overwhelmed and flattened by worry, it really doesn’t suit me one little bit and I usually try and do everything in my power to rise above it.

I generally find that flowers help, and these gorgeous tulips have really brightened my days this week. They were a cheap supermarket buy and worth every penny – I snapped the above image one morning when the sun was streaming in through the window and lighting up the petals, honestly, such a simple moment which made me really happy.


The sun has helped too, when it decided to come out from the grey. Right now as I sit and write at my desk, it is really bloomin’ cold, an unwelcome return to single digit winter-like temperatures and grey skies. But during the past week we’ve had days here and there that have felt like real Spring, not the pretend kind which appears to look like Spring but which still freezes your extremities, no, this was real, genuine warmth and I love love loved it. I even went out without a coat!!


The grass in the park had it’s first cut of the season and it looked so good, although the smell of freshly cut grass weirdly wasn’t there which was very disappointing. Can you see that line of trees in the above photo that have a very faint pink tint to them?

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Well that’s the double line of cherry trees which I obsess over every year around about this time. I’m in full on stalker mode, and during the past week I’ve made all sorts of weird excuses in my day to go and look at them. Need to buy groceries? Lets go the long way to the supermarket via the cherry trees! Need to get some bloomin’ work done? Nah…..why not procrastinate BIG TIME and instead of sitting at my laptop, get outside and go see the cherry trees instead! 


But just look ^^^ we are on The Cusp of Bloom! How exciting, and how totally irresistible, I’m sure you can see why these trees call to me every day. You can just call me the Blossom Stalker, and I shall keep you updated on floral developments.


J and I are loving our early morning walks still, and at 7 o’clock we head out the front door to go stretch our legs and enjoy walking these familiar pathways together.


Now that Spring is well under way, the sun is fully up as we walk through the woodland and the bank of wild garlic is growing greener by the day. It’s such a pleasure to be out and about this early in the morning and well worth the effort it takes to get out of bed and make it happen.


Book-ending a fresh, sunny spring day with a walk is the loveliest thing – first the morning woods with J, and then out to the meadow in the early evening with my girl. I absolutely love that she’ll ask me to go on a walk with her when she feels the need to unwind her mind or talk things through ♥


It’s a quarter to seven in the evening in the above photo, and we (Little Lady and me) were walking homewards from the meadow. The blackthorn blossom is at it’s peak here in the north of England and it’s looking absolutely delicious. We’re now into the wild floral season and we’ve still so much to look forward to – the wild garlic will be flowering soon, the bluebells will be out next month, and then the cow parsley and buttercups will show up. It’s no wonder that May is my most favourite month of the year.


Yesterday I finished my sampling and made the final colour adjustments for my next blanket, and it felt SO GOOD! My crojo hasn’t really been in full flow the past few months and I’ve been working on this new design in very stuttery stops and starts. This is going to be a square blanket which will take quite a lot of concentration as I’ll be working on a gazillion colour decisions on the fly. But I’m committed to the cause, and more importantly I’m inspired and excited by it too. I’m looking forward to sharing the journey with you, and hopefully by next week I should have made enough progress to put a blog post together to share the inspiration behind the colours.


Well, I feel all talked out now it seems, even though this is a relatively short post. I just wanted to show up here to send you all the thank-you’s, and to let you know that I’ve turned a bit of a corner out of the worry cul-de-sac I was stuck in for a while. Clear roads ahead I hope.

I’ll be back soon – J and I went on a date on Monday and I took some photos to document the rare occasion, I’m sure you’ll be riveted (!)………..more soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx




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Written by murat

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