
Attic24: January Moments


♥ Stopping on top of the moor for a blast of fresh air on our way home from a walk.


♥ Loving the peaceful view out across the valley, and that lonesome, windswept tree.


♥ Making some gentle plans for the year ahead.


♥ Celebrating Little B’s thirteenth birthday – we have a TEENager!!!


♥ Carnations and eucalyptus from my festive bouquet still going strong.


♥ Healthy(ish) eating, in amongst a lot of carb-heavy comfort food. Hello, hot buttered toast.


♥ Sunday morning coffee and crochet in bed…bliss.


♥ Afternoons and evenings spent beside the fire with my Springfrost blanket.


♥ Walking with J yesterday morning after a brief snow shower. It was oh-so-cold.


♥ The snow-sprinkled woodland was very wintry and very pretty.


♥ Bench. With snow sprinkles. J made me get all arty with my angles 🙂


♥ The snow didn’t last long because joy of joys, the sun came out – HAPPY ME!!!!


♥ Attempting to take a blue photo for Blue Monday (Instagram stuff) – the kitty assisted.


♥ More blues up above, such a boost for my light-deprived brain and very much appreciated.


♥ Noticing the slowly lengthening days – 4.30pm and still light now. Gosh, it feels good.


We’re just over half way through January and I’ve been trying very hard to capture the good moments that catch my eye and lift my spirits in this tricky month. Mostly I’ve been spending a lot of time at home keeping warm, pottering about the place and feeling just a little bit drifty, if you know what I mean. It’s not a bad thing for January I don’t think – I do like the slow approach to the start of the year, no real rush to do things and lots of time for gentle drifting and pondering.

We’ve had a lot of yuck weather so far this month. Huge amounts of rain, oh so many grey, greeeeeyyy wet days resulting in equally huge amounts of mud. But this week there has been a change and we’re back to sub-zero temperatures and bright, icy, snowy showers which has felt pretty good actually. And the sun! YAY!! Our daylight hours are increasing and it’s very noticeable now at the end of the day especially.

Thanks goodness for my Springfrost blanket and the structure of my crochet-along which keeps me feeling productive and creative and connected during these slow, hibernating kind of weeks. The connection into social media during my CALs is hugely time consuming but it makes me feel so, so good. So much feel-good, and I’m really thankful for it I can tell you.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) I’m heading down to Dorset for a week  – Lady B is going to be away for a while and my Dad really needs round the clock company these days. I’m taking my laptop and will write my Friday CAL post while I’m there, so praying that technology is on my side and I can get connected to the interwebs and make it all happen like magic. 

I hope January is treating you gently and that you are finding time to potter and ponder and take it as slow as you like. Sending my love to you all…thank you so much for calling in to visit and leave me your words in the comments, I love to hear how you are and what you’re up to so do send some chatter my way.





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Written by murat

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