
Attic24: Recent Small Pleasures


♥ an early walk to the bakery down the road, because once a week I choose to spoil the Little People…


♥ ….pain au chocolat fresh from the bakery on a Friday morning, aren’t they lucky?


♥ 7am morning walks with J, starting my week days in the nicest possible way.


♥ catching up with a friend over a delicious latté at a quiet little indie coffee shop in town.


♥ walking home from the supermarket and enjoying the views along the canal side.


♥ the powerful fragrance of these beautiful pale pink hyacinths on my table this week.


♥ walking home at 7pm last Friday after a few cheeky little drinkies at the pub – such gorgeous light and colours.


♥ the start of British asparagus season – yay!! Bought this bunch from the market and roasted it, yumm!


♥ affogato, my favourite way to round off an Italian meal. Out for a gorgeous family dinner last weekend to celebrate Little Lady’s nineteenth birthday.


♥ A sleepy kitty and my Springfrost blanket, a quiet, comforting sofa moment at the end of a busy day.


♥ sweet pea babies! Snapped them up from the supermarket and now I’m excited to plant up my big back yard pots ready for summer flowers.


♥ clearing off my cluttered little desk in the corner of the bedroom and remembering how much I love writing my blog.


I’m sat at my desk right now (it’s 8pm), snuggled under the granny stripe blanket, and in fact I’ve been sat here for many hours today. I’ve been uploading and sorting through my photos, creating this post, and also writing another blog post ready to share with you in a day or two. I’ve been a bit erratic with my blog just lately, and I think it’s had a lot to do with my home environment. I’d gotten into the habit of setting up my laptop at the dining table, and no surprise it’s been difficult to concentrate when I’m sat in the busiest room in the house. As you know, J works from home, as does our eldest twenty year old. Little Lady is also currently at home so there are four adults in the house during the day. With all the comings and goings, the conversations and music, it’s no wonder I’ve found it hard to write and create. I need peace and quiet where I can hear my inner voice, and that is ridiculously hard to come by in this house.

So yesterday I decided to clear the junk off the small desk in the bedroom so that I could try and settle down to do some writing without being interrupted all the time. I can’t lie – it’s been hard! Haha! I would say I’m pretty darn good at this blogging lark, but creating a good blog post does take an awful lot of energy and concentration which I don’t always have to hand these days. But – one thing I’ve learnt about blogging over the years is that the more you do, the easier it becomes. So I will continue to show up here, sharing the things that inspire me, that matter to me, that make me smile, because being connected to all of you makes me happy. 







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Written by murat

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