
Attic24: Resting


Well hello my lovelies, I’m really happy to be back here in the Attic after two whole weeks of feeling like somebody hijacked all my coherent thoughts and replaced them with a thick layer of grey fluff. I’ve had one of those stubborn, heavy head colds which took up residence and is proving  hard to evict – I’m feeling loads better this week and almost back to full bean thank goodness. I’ve tried a few times in the past week to sit here and string some words together, but today is the first time when I feel like my thoughts might actually make some sense – no guarantees of course, but I’ll give it a good go!


During the first week of being unwell I was forced to take my resting seriously and spent quite a few afternoons/evenings in bed. I’ve got the Dune blanket in residence on my bed at the moment and the gentle colours and happy coastal memories really do seem to have a healing effect. I tried not to resent the “wasted” time I spent in bed, and instead tried to embrace the cosy vibes and dig deep for gratitude (not easy when you feel like sh*te). I’m lucky that my days generally have a lot of flexibility in them and I’m at liberty to take time for myself when I need it. J stepped in and cooked dinner for us on a few evenings so that I could stay horizontal – I  seemed to feel my worst towards the tail end of the day so I was very grateful for his help.


Close to my bed I have an old painted cupboard which I re-homed when a friend of mine was moving house and having a clear out. It’s painted a gorgeous soft duck egg blue, and although it’s obviously old and chipped (delightfully vintage) I absolutely love it. I keep my precious handknit socks here as I can’t bring myself to hide them away in a drawer and love to see all that colourful stripyness on display.

I’ve also got a framed print propped up so that it’s right there where I can see it from my bed – it’s such a beautiful reminder of the importance of rest and embracing the Dark Season. The illustration is by artist Jessica Boehman and after falling in love with the image online many years ago I treated myself to the print. I can’t tell you how much it has helped me through the last four winters, there is something about it which makes me believe that the dark months of hibernation deserve to be cherished and not simply endured. 


The past few weeks have been a bit of a grey blur to be honest, but I did still try to keep some important routines going. I walked into town when I felt up to it, taking my time and appreciating the fact that I wasn’t completely out of action. I didn’t feel at all well, but getting some gentle exercise and fresh air into my body felt like it did me good.


I went to the market on Saturday mornings and bought home fresh veggies to make soup….


…and on one or two mornings I even felt up to taking an early morning walk with J. We’ve let this habit slip a little through the dark winter months but now that we’ve got daylight again at 7am I feel more motivated to get up and get out there. It definitely improves my mood and energy levels and I always feel good for doing it.


I spent many hours sat beside the fire drinking tea or mugs of Lemsip and keeping warm and cosy. It’s such a simple pleasure, but honestly this fireplace makes me soooo stupidly happy. 


I found a bag of special pine cones which I’d completely forgotten about, they’re the ones that have something on them which create blue and green coloured flames in open fires. They’re called Northern Lights cones and I bought them two Christmases ago, they’re pretty expensive and a bit of an indulgence but oh, they do make my fire-loving heart happy. The Little People love them too and as a family we’ve spent lots of time in the evenings gathered around the fireside just enjoying the light and warmth.

A few weeks ago we were looking back at summer photos from last year and got talking about barbecues and making s’mores. It made me think that we could try doing them on our open fire – no idea why that had never occurred to me before?? It was a huge success and Little B in particular got super excited for making his own after dinner “pudding” over the hot coals. I don’t have any photographic evidence of s’more making to show you, you’ll just have to imagine the marshmallows on a skewer and the skilled act of toasting them without setting them on fire. It was tense!


Dealing with germs hasn’t left me much energy for creativity, but after I completed the border on the Springfrost blanket a couple weeks ago I dug out my Fireside cushion and managed to bring it over the finishing line. You might remember that I started making this large circular cushion in October when I was on my retreat in Carcasonne so the ta-dah was well overdue. It was really satisfying using up the yarn leftover from making my Fireside blanket and I’m happy with how it turned out, even if it is a bit of a giant beast. I’ll show you the finished cushion in my next post, I know it’s not all that exciting really, but hopefully you’ll enjoy the colours.

Thanks as always for visiting, I do so appreciate it. I hope you are managing to keep germ free and if you’ve been resting like me, then I hope it’s been nurturing. Stay cosy!







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Written by murat

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