
Attic24: Springfrost Blanket CAL :: Part 3


Hellooo! I’m really happy to be here chatting blankety things with you this morning, and I hope you’re all doing OK out there in whatever weather the planet is dishing up to you. It’s been a very chilly week here, and I’ve wondered (not for the first time) how non-hooky folks cope without a pile of crochet blankets to tuck into when the temperature falls? In my house, my blankets are piled on every piece of furniture, so if you’re sitting or sleeping then you’ll have a handmade blanket to cosy under. They feel like such an essential part of home life, and with each passing year I appreciate them more and more.

We are also blessed to have an open fire to see us through the cold half of the year, and lighting it is a daily ritual which fills me with a deep sense of gratitude. Lighting up time is usually around 3pm on weekdays as I like to sit down right next to it and enjoy an afternoon cuppa when Little B comes home from school. It’s one of my favourite times of day, that lull between 3 and 4 when I often sit and chat to the Little People before I need to start thinking about getting started on making dinner.


My three o’clock sit-down is also the perfect time to have my crochet in my lap so I can add a few rows to my growing blanket while I chat with the fam. It’s such a pleasure, a time to unwind and relax while also managing to feel just weeeeny bit smugly productive! Its a great combination – relaxing productivity – and gives me the happy feels right deep down into my soul. I hope that if you’re crocheting along with me this season, that you feel the same way, it’s such a blessing.


I know that many of you who join in with this crochet along aren’t in the northern hemisphere at all, and you’re dealing with rising temperatures instead of falling ones. It must be strange for you to try and imagine the sub-zero freeze that we’re experiencing here, just as I honestly can’t imagine feeling the heat right now?!

We are in the grip of a very cold Winterfrost in the UK, and as pretty as it is, I’m still really looking forward to a little more warmth and colour. I find myself looking for colour everywhere I go, searching out signs of seasonal growth….


….and every so often I’m lucky enough to find it. What a delight! I often walk past these trees on my way home from town, and right now they are bravely flowering with the prettiest, “Powder Pink” winter blossom. It honestly doesn’t look real – so delicate and fragile in this harsh weather, but oh, so very beautiful. 

Seeing the blossom made me think again about my Springfrost colours, and how surprising it is that I’m loving such pale, delicate shades.


I’m usually all about the bright colours as you know, and this colour palette really is an unexpected delight I have to say! 

This week I’ve gathered together some really lovely photos for you from my travels through the online Attic community, and I’m sure they’ll spark some inspiration. They feature Springfrost blankets which use alternative colour palettes – you know I’m always in support of you using my patterns and joining in with the CAL with whatever colours make you happy. Creativity is to be celebrated, and it’s a genuine joy to see you taking my patterns and making them your own.


♥ Becka is using the Fireside yarn pack for her blanket, and as you can see it already has the all important Kitty Stamp of Approval. If the Fireside stripes appeal to you, you can find a suggested colour order on my blog ((here)).


♥ Mary-Joyce has taken her stripes on a coastal journey and is using the Coast yarn pack for her blanket.


♥ Christine decided the Hydrangea yarn pack would work well with this pattern and I agree, it looks wonderful. The spike stitches really help to blend the colours which is especially effective when there are quite strong contrasts.


♥ Jo is taking the Cosy route with her blanket and it looks scrumptious! The Cosy yarn pack is available from Wool Warehouse if you love the look of these colours together.


♥ Rebekah has chosen a Woodland theme for her blanket and has put together a warm, earthy colour palette which works ever so well.


♥ Anja has been hooking along and busting her stash, creating a wonderful blanket with a vintage vibe.


♥ Lisa has chosen a cool palette of blues, greens and purples, adding in some pops of bright pink to bring it to life. It’s a gorgeous collection of colours and the blanket is already looking fabulous.


♥ Sandra has also chosen her own cool colours – such beautiful harmony with a real wintry feel to it.


♥ Joke is embracing the random approach using yarn from her stash, and the result is an absolute delight – so joyful, I love it.


♥ Samantha – ahhhhh, this photo made my heart leap!! A gorgeous sweep of rainbow brights, and now I’m ItcHiNg to see the greens swell into the blues…it’s going to be LUSH!


♥ Wendy has chosen to use yarn she already had, the majority of it being 4ply. She is holding two strands together to achieve the thickness of DK weight, and the result is absolutely beautiful – those multicoloured strands mixed in with the solid shades make the colours look rich and jewel-like.


THANK YOU so, so much for sharing your photos on social media via the Facebook groups and on Instagram (using the hashtag #springfrostcal enables us all to find them on insta). Being able to see your newly fledged blankets is such a hugely enjoyable part of the crochet-along experience for me, it really makes me incredibly happy. Keep taking photos, and keep sharing them, it really is appreciated by so many.


Now lets take a little look at this weeks addition to the Springfrost and see what Part 3 adds to the mix. As you work your way through this middle section of stripes, you’ll begin to notice your crochet really turn into something blankety. It starts to drape and fold as you work on it, covering your lap in the most deliciously cosy way as you gently hook more rows.


The more blankety your blanket becomes, the more you may notice it attracting attention from family members. Who can resist a set of soft stripes which promise comfort and warmth??!


In part three, the colours continue to blend and harmonise, and the delicate shades work together so beautifully….


….I particularly swooned over this little bit where part 2 joins with the start of part 3 (stripes 31 – 37), oh, those pretty, pretty colours!! 


By the time you swing into part 3, you should be finding the pattern has embedded itself into your grey matter so that you are free to hook away without too much concentration needed. It’s the perfect pattern for relaxation and a spot of yarn therapy, and I hope it’s bringing you comfort if you are in need. Also….can we take a moment to appreciate how very cosy these stripes are – oh, they are so hugely squishable, and once you come through part 3 this week then you’ll have enough of a blanket to deliver some warmth if you need it too.


↑↑ This is how the Springfrost will look once you’ve completed part 3. We’ll be adding on an additional 18 stripes again this week which will take you to around about the half way mark.

Part 3

Here is the colour info for Part 3 of the Springfrost Blanket. Click on the following link for the printable worksheet…


Remember that this list of colours refers to the stripes, so crochet two rows of each colour.

34. A Hint of Silver

35. Pale Rose

36. Pistachio

37. Lincoln

38. White

39. Cloud Blue

40. Meadow

41. Blue Marl

42. Powder Pink

43. Duck Egg

44. Parma Violet

45. Spearmint

46. Wisteria

47. Lincoln

48. A Hint of Silver

49. Cloud Blue

50. Parma Violet

51. Pistachio

NOTE : If you are making a larger double/king blanket with two yarn packs, there will be an extra set of stripes given in part 6 for you to add on if you wish.



I’m wishing you a wonderfully peaceful and gentle week – remember January is made for a slow pace, and a little bit of hibernation (with your crochet) at this time of year is to be embraced. Enjoy the drift of your days!






♥ CAL PART 1 : stripes 1-15

CAL PART 2 : stripe 16-33



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Written by murat

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