Hello Hello!!! We are back home from our family summer vacation. We arrived home Sunday at 5 am after a little unexpected delay in the flight.
On our flight back home, after about an hour above the clouds the plane felt a little shaky. The pilot announced that lightning struck the plane and therefore we had to go back to the airport. At first it was a little frightening and our 13 years old guy that was sitting next to me looked a little worried or maybe not a little? Thanks god we landed safely.
A few minutes later Eyal got a text message from the flight company, saying that we can get hotel rooms nearby the airport and stay there until they book us on another flight back to Tel Aviv. To make a long story short, we hadn’t left the airport before having our luggage and boarding passes for another flight, which took a few hectic hours.

I spent the last few days under huge piles of laundry and other household activities. On Wednesday afternoon while the last laundry cycle was running I recorded a new episode. This morning I uploaded it to my YouTube channel. In this episode I share my makings and a lot more adventures from our stunning family summer vacation in Austria and Berlin. The Tirol area in which we spent two weeks is so beautiful and breathtaking and I shared footage I took for you there. Hope you’ll enjoy it.
A few of you mentioned that the reels I shared on IG were too fast and I totally agree. I hope this video will provide some compensation. Bring your crafty project and a cup of coffee and come join me there, xxMo