Inspired by the American Southwest, Susan Kennedy’s crochet interpretation is magnificent. We don’t do affiliate links on Amazon, but you can find them there on other websites or even better to support your local bookstores. ISBN 9781446309407.
In thumbing through the book, I learned techniques I hadn’t thought about. Many of the projects where there is colour applied are done through tapestry crochet. Frankly, I am amazed that her samples aren’t showing the carry-through colour very well; that’s extra kudos in my book.
The book has easy to follow patterns and in some cases, extra visuals on how techniques are done. For myself, I found myself saying to myself, “Oh, that’s how she did it!”
To be fair in this critique, I find the font a bit small but it could be my age of wanting larger fonts. The book would be much bigger as there are a lot of juicy details the designer needs to share with you.
This book is definitely one that I am pleased with adding to my personal collection of books. Check out my current list of books I own.
Attraction to the Southwest
I am attracted to the southwest of the USA primarily for the culture and curiosity of the environment. I’ve made it no secret that if I had to choose an American state to live in, I would choose New Mexico, followed by Arizona. I’m in awe if you have ever seen some photos of inside our home. You will see four paintings by Timothy Yanke. You can see one just to the left of the Crochet Santa Tissue Box Cover.