
Finding My Path: How a Childhood Discovery Led to a Lifetime of Crafting – Expression Fiber Arts | A Positive Twist on Yarn

Thank you to the stranger who 30 years ago, held a garage sale down the road from where I lived with my parents. I was 12, and I didn’t realize on that day that my whole life would shift in a direction that would lead me to this moment, here and now, writing this for you.

Thank you to my mom who always encouraged my endless love of creating. She bought me a set of teeny tiny metal crochet hooks and the old doily pattern books at that garage sale, and I scurried home to read the instructions and learn to crochet.

Thereafter, I remember spending countless hours crocheting doilies and bookmarks. Table runners, coin purses, and yet more doilies! You’d think I was raised in the Victorian era due to my love of doilies even at such a young age!

Anytime my mom and I would head to Salvation Army, my first (and only) stops would be the yarn and book sections. There were always new delights to behold and treasures to take home!

In my 20s, I taught myself to knit from a book and later to spin and dye my own yarn.

And when the stars aligned and fate would have it, I opened Expression Fiber Arts.

And what a journey it’s been!

Sometimes, the reality hits me – that I get to do this for a living. And if I could go back and hug that little 12-year-old girl and tell her thank you, I would.

Thank you, little one, for following your passions. Thank you for jumping into your creative pursuits with abandon! It’s brought me so much joy throughout the years and connected me to so many beautiful souls.

And to you, reading this post…

Thank you for being a part of this fun adventure that I am so blessed to be a part of every day. Thank you for being YOU and expressing your gorgeous creations. You never know who you’ll inspire or whose life you’ll transform just by being yourself.

Some people may look at what we do as knitters and crocheters and think we’re just swinging string. But we know.

We’re tapping into something much greater than ourselves. A creative force. A sense of connection that binds us together. And expressing that into the physical world.

And what could be more beautiful than a life lived in full, beautiful expression?

“To express your creativity is to weave the whispers of dreams into the fabric of reality.”

So express yourself fully and completely with your creations and know they truly do make the world more beautiful!

Much love, Chandi

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Written by Murat

Learn How to Crochet This Adorable Cape – Valdeon – Expression Fiber Arts | A Positive Twist on Yarn

Learn How to Crochet This Adorable Cape – Valdeon – Expression Fiber Arts | A Positive Twist on Yarn

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