Over the past week I knit this pair of scrappy stripy socks. I shared my joyful making in this week’s episode on YouTube and thought I would also share it here with you today. I knitted it mostly as my morning knitting with the first coffee of the day. And took pictures of my WIP everyday because I thought I might want to share it here with you. Also I thought it will be nice to have this scrappy stripy project documented on my little blog corner.
After my Green Drawer announcement last week I found myself packing and packing your colorful cotton orders. For a few very long working days. It was a pleasure. THANK YOU!!! I enjoyed every moment of it but on the other hand couldn’t wait for the weekend. I had gift knitting plans that I couldn’t wait to cast-on.
Last Saturday, right before finishing my new Musselburgh hat, I gathered some sock-wool leftovers into this scrappy nest. Nesting is still one of the things I stick with during the horrifying war days here.
Gift knitting, that’s what I had in my mind. I took this Grey- Blue (Granite 812) Arwetta sock wool from my stash for the main color and thought to incorporate it with scrappy stripes. I cast-on 64 stitches on 9″ circular needles, size 2.25 mm and started to knit a scrappy stripy socks for a friend. After finishing the cuff on the first sock I CO the second one simply because I like making progress on both socks.
Shortly after cast-on, it was bright and clear that this knit is a makes-my-heart-sing one. I had no plan for the colors what so ever. But knitting both socks in parallel was a good choice here because it allowed me to control the colors I picked for the stripes and make them coordinate as they flew out of my hands.On Sunday morning I already had quite a few scrappy stripes knitted on both socks. I was HAPPY to the sky! But on the same time I got a little bit connected to my scrappy stripy pair and was too emotionally involved in this project, if you know what I mean. At this point I wasn’t sure anymore that this is going to be a gift knit. Sorry Jonathan.
And this is the Tuesday morning picture which I hope shows the joy. I knew the main color, which I had 50 g’ of, might not be enough to complete the entire pair. So I decided to knit a contrast heel using a different color for each sock (of course). So, I knitted the first heel with Straw (135) and the second with Tangerine (198).
And this was at my desk on Tuesday afternoon before the KnitNite girls arrived. You can see here the PU (pick up) is done and I started working the gusset decreases.
On Wednesday morning before recording this week’s episode, I finished the gusset and started knitting the leg section. Now my scrappy stripy socks looked like VERY close siblings. Can you see it? Is this the right way to describe them?
The Thursday picture shows it even better but wait for the next one! I think I forgot to mention that the stripes are made out of 4 rounds of the main color and 2 rounds of the scrappy color. And I used this method to weave in yarn ends as I changed colors. Because it can be crazy to hide all those yarn ends using a tapestry needle.
My Friday morning knitting with coffee session. At this point I already know that I knit scrappy stripy socks for myself. No gift knitting but selfish knitting. This pair needs to stay with me.
If there was no war and no hostages kept in dark tunnels by Hamas terrorists, it was the perfect morning knitting session! My heart is broken and this scrappy stripy knit will not fix it but it lifts me up even if for just a little.
Moran, please put the knitting down for now and get into the studio to write today’s blog post because you have so many other things to do today. This is what I had to say to myself just before coming here today.
Not just that it was such a joy to work on but It was not less than a lift-me-up project of the week! I knit scrappy stripy socks and I hope to finish it this weekend. Maybe even today. I shared more about this making and there’s a GIVEAWAY! on this week’s episode, hope you’ll enjoy. xxMo.