
NEW Bernat Blanket Perfect Phasing Yarn

New Bernat Blanket Perfect Phasing yarn is fresh in 2023 at select JOANN stores and This is a new technology that colour grades ideally.

Testing with Caron Colorama Halo last year, the technology is now with Bernat Blanket this year.

There is no colour blocking of a shade; the colour seamlessly changes and, depending on your project gives a unique look.

NEW Bernat Blanket Perfect Phasing Yarn

When jumping one ball to another, if you use the first ball from the interior and go to the outside of the ball, the next ball you want to use from the outside of the ball to the interior to create the perfect appearance.

Bernat Blanket Perfect Phasing Granny Blanket
Bernat Blanket Perfect Phasing Granny Blanket

Caron Colorama Halo continues to be the perfect phasing for this year. Available at select JOANN, Walmart Canada and through as well.

Caron Colorama Halo Perfect Phasing
Caron Colorama Halo Perfect Phasing
Bernat Blanket Yarn” data-style=”grid” data-row=”1″ data-layout=”vertical” data-rtl=”” data-fitrows=”” data-filtercomb=”” data-filterlogic=”OR” data-filterload =”” data-sortbyload =”” data-orderload =”false” data-fullwidth=”” data-fullheight=”null” data-gutters=”[[320,5],[480,5],[768,10],[980,10],[1200,10],[9999,10]]” data-slider=”{“itemNav”:”null”,”swingSpeed”:0.1,”cycleBy”:”null”,”cycle”:5000,”startAt”:1}” data-ratio=”1.78″ data-cols=”[[320,1],[480,2],[768,3],[980,3],[1200,3],[9999,3]]” data-rows=”[[320,200],[480,200],[768,220],[980,220],[1200,240],[9999,240]]” data-animation='{“name”:”Fade in”,”visible”:””,”hidden”:””}’ data-transition=”700ms” data-ajaxmethod=”load_more” data-ajaxdelay=”100″ data-preloader=”1″ data-itemdelay=”100″ data-gallery=”” data-ajax=””>

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Written by Murat

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