
What Is the Opposite of Red?

The opposite of red on the color wheel is green. While green is red’s standard opposite color, the exact opposite depends on the color model you’re using. The primary color models in color theory are RGB, CMYK, and RYB.

What Is the Opposite of Red?

Red’s Position on the Color Wheel

The color red represents love, celebration, and passion. In color psychology, red is often associated with excitement, boldness, and danger.

On the color wheel, green is red’s complementary color since both sit opposite each other. The combination balances intensity and tranquility, creating a harmonious composition.

The Opposite of Red in Various Color Models

Color models represent how mediums like digital screens or print materials display colors. Each color model has its criteria for defining colors. The most popular color models are RGB, CMYK, and RYB.

RGB Color Model and Its Opposite Color to Red

The RGB color model is standard in digital displays. It creates colors by mixing red (R), green (G), and blue (B) light in different intensities. The opposite or complementary color to red in this model is cyan.

Cyan, a combination of green and blue, sits directly opposite red on the color wheel. Mixing red and cyan at full intensity creates a neutral gray. The blend relies on RGB’s additive color mixing techniques.

The table below illustrates the RGB values for red and its complementary, cyan:

Color Red (R) Green (G) Blue (B)
Red 255 0 0
Cyan 0 255 255

CMYK Color Model and Its Opposite Color to Red

Designers and artists use the CMYK color model for printing. The color model mixes varying proportions of cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K) inks.

Black (K) ink enhances contrast and creates richer blacks. In the CMYK model, the opposite color to red is a blend of cyan and yellow. The combination creates a shade of dark gray or greenish-gray.

The table below shows CMYK values for full red and its complementary color:

Color Cyan (C) Magenta (M) Yellow (Y) Black (K)
Red 0 100 100 0
Opposite 100 0 0 70

RYB Color Model and Its Opposite Color to Red

The RYB model, or the artistic color model, is often used in traditional art. It consists of the primary colors red (R), yellow (Y), and blue (B). The model’s opposite color to red is green.

Here’s a table demonstrating the RYB values for full red and its opposite color:

Color Red (R) Yellow (Y) Blue (B)
Red 100 0 0
Opposite 0 100 0

Red’s Complementary Colors

The RGB value represents red by its maximum value, while green and blue are set to zero. Mixing red with different intensities of green and blue creates secondary and tertiary colors.

In contrast, the CMYK model represents red as a blend of cyan and magenta. Yellow and black are also useful primary colors in other color-mixing needs. The CMYK model uses the subtractive technique. Hence, it absorbs light rather than emitting it.

Here’s a table detailing the resulting colors for each mixing model:

Color Model Primary Colors Secondary Colors Tertiary Colors Red’s Position Red’s Complementary Color
RGB Red, Green, Blue Yellow, Cyan, Magenta Red-Orange, Red-Purple Primary Cyan
CMYK Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black Primary Cyan

It’s worth noting that the RYB model isn’t as accurate as RGB or CMYK models. The RGB and CMYK models are more precise in color mixing and reproduction. They provide an accurate representation of colors in digital displays and printing.

Opposites to Different Red Hues

Cyan: Opposite of Crimson

Crimson is an intense shade of red that exudes vibrancy and drama. Its opposite color, cyan, is a blue-green hue that radiates a refreshing, cool element.

Color Hex Value RGB Value CMYK Value (%)
Crimson #DC143C 220, 20, 60 0, 91, 73, 14
Cyan #00FFFF 0, 255, 255 100, 0, 0, 0

Aqua or Teal: Opposite of Scarlet

Scarlet is a bold red tone with an allure of commanding attention. Its opposite colors, aqua or teal, bring a tranquil vibe into a design.

Color Hex Value RGB Value CMYK Value (%)
Scarlet #FF2400 255, 36, 0 0, 86, 100, 0
Aqua/Teal #008080 0, 128, 128 100, 0, 0, 50

Emerald Green: Opposite of Ruby

Ruby is a deep and luxurious shade of red. Its opposite color, emerald green, evokes a sense of fresh energy and calmness.

Color Hex Value RGB Value CMYK Value (%)
Ruby #E0115F 224, 17, 95 0, 92, 58, 12
Emerald Green #50C878 80, 200, 120 60, 0, 40, 22

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Written by Murat

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What Is the Opposite of Green?

What Is the Opposite of Green?